Mayor’s Japan National Day Flag Raising Ceremony at San Francisco City Hall
With Consul General Yamada at the Mayor’s Japan National Day flag raising ceremony at San Francisco City Hall. […]
With Consul General Yamada at the Mayor’s Japan National Day flag raising ceremony at San Francisco City Hall. […]
Akemi Koda will deliver a presentation on Silicon Valley Trend and Women’s Empowerment at FCOCA. For Details, Click Here
Scott Ellman will be the MC at the “Walk in the U.S., Talk in Japan” program from the Cabinet Office of Japan. Join us for a session with a delegation of five fascinating […]
Stanford University
The Japan-US Innovation Awards recognize outstanding, timely innovations in technology and business by Japanese and US companies. […]
USAsia Venture Partners team member Tony Seba will judge the upcoming CrowdFunder startup contest headline by Tim Draper.
Akemi Koda will be a featured speaker at Stanford University, Japanese Business Culture Panel discussion of Women in Japanese Business on March 12, 2015. Please join us. Tuesday, March 12, 20134:15 – 5:30 pm Japanese Business Systems class, Building 200, Room 303
Akemi Koda of USAVP will deliver a presentation on what it takes for a business in Japan to successfully cross the Pacific and establish themselves in the US.
Stanford University
The US-Japan Innovation Awards recognize outstanding, timely innovations in technology and business by Japanese and US companies. […]
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati
Scott Ellman will be a panelist along with Michael Alfant, CEO of Fusion Systems; […]
Stanford Graduate Schools of Business
Scott Ellman will be a panelist along with Quaeed ‘Q’ Motiwala, […]